Thursday, April 26, 2012

Good bye, Izzy

A sad day for readers of Bedlam Farm and followers of Jon Katz's endearing Border Collies, as Izzy, in many ways the sweetest of the bunch and known for his work as a hospice dog, was allowed to be euthenized and die peacefully in Jon's arms.

From Jon Katz's morning post:

"Izzy was a profoundly loving, gracious and easy dog, a perfect dog in so many ways. Even this week, which must have been so difficult for him, he never gave us a moment’s trouble, and always tried to do the right thing. To the end, he tried to love Maria and me, and last night, sitting on that floor brought back a flood of memories about the remarkable way we found one another, and my privilege to witness the work that he did, for me and in hospice...and I feel for a creature that is as loving and intuitive as Izzy was. Izzy was what I call a spirit dog.

They enter our lives at critical times, and mark the passages of our life."

The video clip below is a simple retrospective on the life of Izzy and the joy that he brought to Jon and his readers. Dog-people will easily relate. Good bye, Izzy.

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