Sunday, November 11, 2012

On the cool side

A trip to the Farmers
Market for staples each Saturday is becoming more "Arctic" each week. Today was at least bearable with calm, hardly noticeable winds, but outdoor vending should be history in two or three weeks. Notice the nearly empty, totally shady, lunch sitting section...definitely a nipply noontime.

Before hypothermia set in though we had a chance to catch one of our favorite local bands Hot Damn Scandal drawing a crowd that showed no signs of leaving anytime soon, in spite of the temperature.

Take a listen. You'll be hooked.


  1. Have just been catching up with your posts, and love them!

    Particularly love the photos of Casey, and her mom Sally. We have a Jack Russell and Cavalier King Charles but if my partner had had his way it would have been a black and white Collie.

    Loved seeing the photos of the Farmers' Market and vegetable garden too.

    Janelle McCulloch

  2. Gosh, I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, Janelle. I just don't get that many comments. Thanks so much for the feedback.

    And I'm familiar with Jack Russell's btw (my son had a female...incredibly smart), but Cavaliers not so much. Learned something today.
